As 39th Governor of Minnesota, 2012 Presidential hopeful Tim Pawlenty left office with Minnesota down in every measurable category except one: Vetoes.
Pawlenty Vetoes*
*Pawlenty had more vetoes than any of the 38 previous Minnesota governors.
Governor from 2003 to 2011, Pawlenty dragged his no-tax pledge around with him like a ball and chain for two terms.
His inability to reach outside the ideological corner he painted himself into, is largely to blame for a 2010 Budget Deficit Among Top 10 Largest In Nation.
Buy Ya Some Snake Oil?
Pawlenty, who is from South St. Paul, morphs into a good ol' boy when it suits him. Can you say politically expedient? Get an 'earwaggin of Pawlenty's South St. Paul drawl in this March campaign speech:
Dude is phonier than a ground-rule double in the Metrodome. There might be exciting things about Tim Pawlenty, but scratching my head, none come to mind.
Incapable of Problem-Solving
Not a broad or a deep thinker, Pawlenty's record suggests a vindictive, politically ambitious man, whose stubbornly ideological approach rendered him incapable of problem-solving.
You needn't bother looking up the the word intransigent... simply Google the phrase "Tim Pawlenty Vetoes".